Today we've been exploring the famous Strand Book Store and the Christmas Market at Union Square. The marked was crowded - yet not "all that". Strand and its "18 Miles of Books" on the other hand was amazing. The store is famous among New Yorkers for its giant collection of publishers' overstock, used, rare, and out-of-print books, as well as the chaos on and around its shelves. We stayed for hours - looking in the beautiful selection of photography and art books, feeling the paper and texture. Sadly the luggage allowance stops me from buying. I've created quite a big wish list though.. Avadon, Leibovitz, Goldin, Levitt, Capa, the list goes on and on... have you read or simply got inspired by one lately - let me know!
Being a food entusiast - I find that I've been blogging surprisingly little about food. We went to the critical acclaimed restaurant Fette Sau (German for fat pig) for a proper American meal this evening. This place is in a fenced-in lot and cinderblock building - an auto-body repair shop, in Williamsburg. Note to self - this joint seems to be anti-vegetarian and also über-masculine - I automatically thought of my brother in law when I came in. (Probably due to his passionate talk of meat and sausages last time I saw him.)
So, Lars imagine this: A garage with rustique picnic tables and a wood-beamed, cement-floored interior. The smell of cured meats and spice rubs. A wide selection of local beers served in huge glass jars or gallons if you're really thirsty. All meats are sold by weight and served on butcher paper with sauce on the side. Hungry now, are you? ;)
In Norwegian:
Lars, se for deg dette: En garasje med rustikke picnic-bord, massive bjelker og sementgulv. Det lukter røkt kjøtt og krydderblandinger. Bak baren finnes bredt utvalg av lokale øl servert i store, tykke glass eller mugger hvis du er skikkelig tørst. Kjøttet selges i løsvekt - og serveres på slakterpapir med diverse grillsauser til. ( Man velger mellom et utvalg tilbehør - sure agurker, surkål, cole slaw, hjemmelagede tomatbønner, chips og/eller brokkoli.) Sulten nå, eller? ;)