Thursday, 11 November 2010

Impressions day #2: Coney Island

Talking with my dear Mamma prior to my journey to NYC - Coney Island became a subject of interest; a place she imagined we'd enjoy visiting. I don't really know what I expected, but Coney Island is one of the most surreal places I've been - the imagined lively and vibrant atmosphere was only a vague shadow of itself. Yet, the quiet surroundings, the people and the history made it fascinating; the number of Russians who couldn't speak English; the lonely man with the endless stories from the past; the scenery companioned by the beautiful weather.

Worn out Stars and Stripes.

 "Shoot the freak - Live Human Targets"

 Nostalgia #1 - fainted and overexposed.

 Nostalgia #2 - Black and White.

 Peaceful atmosphere.

- So, What else did we do today? 

We went back to The Village; to a place I've been before actually - with my Mamma in 2004: Arturo's Pizzaria - The best pizza in New York by reputation.. The place has a great atmosphere, live jazz AND the cutest waitress ever. 


  1. og fantastiske steder!! Kos deg, vennen!!

  2. Høres herlig ut Nille...godt å se at du koser deg!


  3. I did not get to go to Coney Island when I was in NYC, but it looks like a cool place.

  4. @Rikke: <3
    @Ingeborg: Skal gjøre det, søta! Neste gang får du bli med - men tror ikke at dette er et sted for Paul! Asfaltjungel liksom... Snakker vi jentetur?
    @Hanne: Ditto!
    @Ninjagaiden78: Always good to have a reason to come back :)
