Monday, 15 November 2010

Impressions day #5 & 6: The Fabulous Hells Kitchen Flea Market

This weekend has been fabulous! What's better than letting your shopaholic loose at The Hells Kitchen Flea Market on a warm summersday or two in Mid-November? This market is divine - a true heaven for vintage enthusiasts: Jewelry, clothes, bags, shoes, furniture, all the bits and bobs you can imagine - to bargain prices. We've been shopping and peaking. One of the sellers, a lovely Parisienne lady, even invited me home to explore more of her vintage treasures! Might just be a new add to our 'to do'-list (as well as going back to the marked next weekend of course).


  1. Ååååå du fristerinne,du!
    Tenk å legge utnoe slikt som bare gliser til meg fra bloggrollen....fyyyyy!


  2. So much precious vintage stuff there!
    Thank you for the post.

    N. from

  3. @Hanne: Ja, jeg veeet! Jeg måtte bare... du må bli med meg hit en gang, Hanne - du elsker det jo allerede!

    @Nube: Thank you - and yes - it's like a treasure hunt where the the challenge isn't to to find the treasure but to deside which one to choose.. but I've heard that Paris is the best place to go if you adore vintage - so I guess you already know a vintage heaven or two :)

  4. Well, don't know if Paris is the best place for vintage but our "puces" (flea markets) are quite good. I adore London for vintage stuff.

  5. Ah, I see - Paris for puces, then.. And I agree; London is a great place for vintage!:)

  6. so beautiful things!! I LOVE vintage shops and flea markets!

    your blog is great!

  7. Thank you - that means so much to me, Burcu D.! I really love vintage shops and flea markets too.. as you probably can see from my blog! Where are your best places for vintage then? :)

  8. oh woow! the flea market looks so cool!!

    i wish we had something near that in Finland.. our flea markets have only 2 worn shoes, 3 dresses and 5 old jewerly boxes... =)
