Saturday, 13 November 2010

Impressions day #4: Dumbo, the Bridge and the Photo box

Some days just tend to be better than other - a fortunate event or two that gives that special vibe, impuls or inspiration. Today it's partly been the lovely lunch and atmosphere at Dumbo General Store, the view from Brooklyn Bridge in the beautiful weather and the PHAIDON book store. They all made their influence - BUT it was when Lene and I more or less by accident dumped into a community-based photography venue we were blown away. Does this kind of place really excist?! Sponsored by Levi's - 'to celebrate NYC and it's people'! The Big Apple has long been the photographer's muse, and in this public facility you get free access to a professional studio, vintage cameras (rental, but so worth it!), print, scan, read, go to workshops or what have you!

We're going back of course. See you there :)


  1. Nille, så fantastisk at du er i New York. Blir glad hver gang et nytt innlegg fra deg popper opp i inboxen min. Har tenkt masse på deg - ha et supert opphold videre. Love fra Gamlemor Rustad

  2. Wow. That place looks awesome. Look forward to seeing how it inpsires you.

  3. Man, I love your blog also....nice to meet you and thanks for the comment on my blog, "Higher Ground".
    I am following you.

    Have a great evening...

  4. @Gamlemor Rustad: Så godt at du setter pris på spamminga mi ;) Det venter en flaske vin og masse stories herfra når jeg er tilbake i Oslo.. ALTFOR lenge siden!

    @Jay: Thanks - and Yes! It was such a inspiring place - like a water whole for thirsty photographers! I'll keep you posted :)

    @ Jules: Likewise! I enjoy blog surfing - it's really inspiring :) Let's keep in touch!
